The world is big and mean. There are infinite directions one can take to victory, but there's no reason to get bent out of shape. It's the little things in life that should be cherished: drinking juice boxes, lighting fireworks, playing street basketball. To me, these are all small victories that boost spirits. Life is a joke most of the time. If we treat it as such, it'll be way more fun. While in Berlin last year, I met a group of bad ass German video men who helped me make this. I love them.
Only 10 days remain in our Punchstarter campaign for the new album "Land Air Sea Garage". This video cost us a butt load to make and the Punchstarter is there to help cover it and keep us moving forward and producing anti-crap content. If you'd like to help a little indie band like us, please share the video or pre-order the album. Much love.
Pre-Order LASG
The Punchstarter Campaign has the album up for pre-order along with a plethora of other rewards like private shows, a drawing of yourself, slapping Brett with a Salmon or setting Chuck Ragan–the car–ablaze