German DIY Label DISCOS DEL DEMONIO release new single

While touring in Leipzig, Germany last year I met a Spanish-born satanist who runs a DIY record label called Discos Del Demonio. He was intense, and I was quite certain he'd killed people before. Today he releases this new single called "Everybody Knows You Can't Sleep with Your Eyes Closed". It's about avoiding the American Dream at all costs and breaking free of outdated ideologies created by old dead white guys. <a href="">Everybody Knows You Can't Sleep With Your Eyes Closed by Brett Newski</a>

"Everybody Knows You Can't Sleep with Your Eyes Closed" was recorded in Milwaukee and New York City when I was but a wee man at the age of 25. Big daddy Shane played the drums and I played everything else. Side B is an Ezra Furman cover. Grady Owens tracked the Ezra song to tape in his Brooklyn apartment after we plowed cheap Chinese food and swill Pilsner. There is no space in that city but that's why it's a magical world & it's like living in a Lego land.