Last week, we hit show #860 since I began touring. Back problems have ensued from much floor sleeping and massive hours behind the MacBook sorting out admin for the fall. But it seems I’ve gone too far down the rabbit hole to turn back. Booking is in full effect for Europe in Oct, Nov & Dec, with the calendar rapidly filling up. It’s complete mayhem. Three months of straight touring across Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux, Italy, Spain and Scandinavia. Along with a little help from our Euro booking agencies, we’re booking many shows ourselves, but we still have a small handful of open dates we'd like to fill, so we're bringing the show to your living room for you and your friends.
House shows usually host 30-60 people, held in basements, attics, boats, rooftops, patios, backyards and garages. We’re open to mixing things up and bringing an easy-going, alternative show to your home.
Tour manager and mad scientist Dan-O Stoffels (“Danimal”) will be touring with me across foreign lands, crushing excel spreadsheets and webmastering from the road. Tag team supreme... Excited to see you out there,
Brettski ☺