What it's like touring in Ireland and Vietnam | dirt from the road

Some days the air just feels too heavy to stand in. I don’t understand brain patterns. I don’t get why I’m on top of the world one day, and can barely get out of bed the next. 

Last week I felt like the world just knocked me over... so I went and sat in the woods for three days. Needed an internet break. Even a simple one-day-hiatus from the Internet is seriously good medicine. Came back feeling like my brain just got out of a Finnish sauna. Real nice. Real calm. Total control of the situation in my head. 

We don’t need to be participating in the digital world all that often. In fact, it gives you a level-up when you turn the screen to black. It’s like when Super Mario eats a jumbo mushroom, it enhances all of his abilities. We’re like that too.

I get into these bad habits of “working for the sake of work” or “clicking for the sake of clicking” online. I’ll just post some crap cause it feels like work. False progress. Just mindlessly existing on the hamster wheel of the Internet because I’ve convinced myself it’s important. 

No one is going to miss me if I don’t post things or stuff for 10 days. I won’t go unemployed (cause I technically already am ha!) and everything will be fine. Those ten days are better spent creating. That is the whole point for all of us: create above click. 

All I’m saying is...quit the internet for just 24 hours and your brain will love ya. 

In podcast land, I’ve released travel episodes on Ireland and Vietnam since we last spoke. Hear it and subscribe on Apple or Spotify podcasts below. 

Much love and respect,
