Anxiety hacks, avoiding social media, boosting morale, finding purpose | Dirt from the road

It’s fun to be a person...and then it’s hard to be a person. Then it’s fun again. Holy shit it’s a roller coaster. I gotta get my brain on a leash. 

Wish I could have a bit more grasp on why I feel so good sometimes and so weird other times. I guess you just gotta ride the lightning when it strikes, and whether the storm when it thunders. 

My morale was in the toilet last Thursday. No motivation to leave the house or talk to anyone. I forced myself to go hang with my buddy Dano. 

It was a rocky start but after a few minutes it felt great to be talking shit with one of my old buddies. So fun. Got a jolt of energy. We had a few beers and called it a night. 

I felt unbelievably good the next day. Top of the mountain. How is it that I could be depressed on Thursday, poison myself with beers on Friday, and feel the best I’ve ever felt on Saturday? Here’s why...

The medicine is in the people. It’s in the hang. The medicine is the community more than it is the Prozac and Zoloft and citalopram (I’ve tried em all). 

We live in an isolated culture. We have our own yards that we almost never use. They have fences around them. We have people to deliver our food, clean our streets, build our transit. 

Thus, we don’t technically need community to physically survive. But we absolutely need it to survive mentally. 

I spent the weekend in the woods and made a podcast outlining these ideas: anxiety hacks, limiting social media, boosting morale, finding purpose.  I hope it is useful for you. Hear on Dirt from the Road podcast below.

If you enjoy, please give it a quick review. It helps more people discover it :)

Much respect and safety,
