"What'd Ya Got to Lose? - Live from the great indoors

Nervous energy gets a negative rep. Somewhere along the line, anxiety was deemed ALL BAD. In actuality, nervous energy is untapped creative fuel. It doesn't always feel good at first, but you can use it to spawn fresh ideas, conversations and creative projects.

The two hours before I go onstage I often feel like dog shit. I am jittery and my brain is an assembly line of useless worries. The green room is cold n' smelly & I sometimes tell myself I don’t have the gusto to keep touring.

But when the time comes to play, all of that nervous energy explodes out on stage. It feels incredible. That nervous energy is my lifeline to keep creating. Some days, I am thankful for my anxiety.

This tune What'd Ya Got to Lose is about taking an "oh well, F it" mentality and just going for it. If you have a good head on your shoulders, you're going to land on your feet. FILMED BY Max Hauser